An illustration showing biodiversity. Animals standing on half of the Earth.

Earth Day Activities Online with LabXchange

Earth Day

Climate change. Green technology. Environmental justice. Issues like these are critical for healthy, sustainable life on Earth. Even though we should examine, discuss, and advance these topics year-round, we’re still excited to celebrate Earth Day 2021 with the global community.Are you working on an Earth Day lesson plan or school project this week? If so, LabXchange has plenty of resources to offer teachers as well as students.

Here are some ideas for getting started:


  1. Ecology: Explore the importance of biodiversity and human impact on the environment.
  2. Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration: An introduction to cellular metabolism, including a comparison of the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
  3. Energy in Cells: Explore how cells harvest energy using cellular respiration in eukaryotic cells and photosynthesis in plant cells.
  4. Biodiversity & Relationship: Learn how structural and molecular evidence can be used to determine relationships between plant species.

Case Studies from the California Academy of Sciences

California Academy of Sciences Logo

These popular educational resources combine a video with vocabulary and guiding questions for classroom discussion. Topics include, for example:

Another Option: Videos, Interactives, and More

Examples of videos created by Visibility in STEM

To sum up, we hope these resources inspire you to start your online Earth Day celebration with LabXchange.Not exactly what you’re looking for? You can use LabXchange to upload your own materials, remix them into a pathway, and share them with your students, classmates, and mentors! Learn how.

Written by
LabXchange team

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